December 30, 2012

Christmas time

(Warning: picture overload)
Christmas was really spontaneous this year.  We had planned for a long time to go to Colorado for Christmas, but things just didn't work out like a week before we should have left so we tried to come up with a different plan.  We talked about just staying here for Christmas morning and then going to Show Low/Pinedale for dinner that night.  Then I got a call from my mom who told me that two of my sisters were coming from the valley for Christmas Eve, and we were invited to go over there on Christmas Eve so that we could have dinner with the sisters and then stay there on Christmas day too.  It sounded like more fun than being in our little town of Winslow by ourselves, so that's what we did. 
Helping us pack the car

We got there Monday afternoon and helped out getting dinner ready then my two sisters and brother-in-law showed up and we had a great time.  We ate and hung out a little bit before Amanda and Preston had to leave to go to St. John's to be with his family.  Afterwards we opened our Christmas Eve pajama presents, then the our kids went to be and the rest of us decided to play a family tradition game of Phase 10.  It turned out to be a little intense and we got to be very tired and short with each other.  We finished it though and then went to bed.  

the kids Christmas Eve jammies
our pajama pants

Getting cookies ready for Santa
Santa came that night and Christmas morning was really great.  We opened presents first and my kids went crazy.  We usually take turns opening one by one, but our kids just went crazy and just kept opening them one right after another.  So the rest of us took turns one after another.  It wasn't anything big, but we got some fun stuff.  Nate's favorite presents were a Baritone Ukulele that was my grandma's, a football that I got him, and his christmas pajama pants.  My favorite presents were a girl bag that I got from my sister with a chick flick and chocolate and some yummy lotion.  She felt like she needed to get me some girly stuff since I am in a house of all boys and I loved it.  Another present was a willow tree figurine that was called Forget Me Not, and it was based on Pres. Utchdorf's talk in a RS meeting.  Then my present from Nate was a new sd card for my camera so that it will work better now. Kayton's favorite gifts was a harmonica from Grandma Peterson, a lego book/blocks set from Nana and Papa McClanahan, and we got them a lot of stuff for us to be able to use with them like board games and a table for them to sit at that is their size.  We made out really good this Christmas and we loved doing it with family.  

The rest of that day was relaxing and laid back.  We made dinner and then just hung out together and watched some of our movies that we got as presents.  It was great and then it was time for bed.   

The day after Christmas, we decided we wanted to stay in town to see all of our friends.  We really pushed ourselves to see everyone and try to get home in the same day.  We started going to Nate's Grandma's house and we saw our  cousins there too.  Then to list the rest, we saw the Pratt's and they had all their kids home which was a lot of fun for us.  Then we saw the Whipples, and then Nate went and saw one of his high school buddies and hung out with him while I went and saw the West's.  Then it was late, but we tried to go see one more person.  We did really fast and thought we could make it home after, but we got to the gas station and filled up, then Merrick woke up and just went crazy and we couldn't calm him down.  So I knew we couldn't drive home with him like that and I called the West's and asked if we could just crash for the night and that's what we did.  I'm glad we did that too.  The next morning, we ate breakfast with them and then went home.  

It was a great holiday and we are looking forward to our whole week off with Nate not going to work.  Merry Christmas everyone!

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