November 27, 2014

Sister Missionaries

We have become so close to the sister missionaries that are in our ward right now, Sister Taylor and Sister Christensen.  We have had them over several times for dinner and they love doing things with our kids and they have come over for FHE too.  One night they helped them make their own missionary nametags that said Elder Adams on it.  They have been so fun to have around and we have loved to getting to know them.  Sometimes I wish we could keep the same missionaries for their whole mission.  They have become great friends to me and we have already joked how they are going to come back and we are going to have a fun movie night.
They are all missionaries.
Sadly, they do have to leave.  Sister Christensen on the right got emergency transferred they day we took this picture but Sister Taylor will get to stay here a little longer.  We have been trying so hard to find someone to help teach the gospel to and having them to encourage us has made it so much better for us. We love our missionaries.


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