November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Plans changed for us at last minute because of certain circumstances for Thanksgiving.  We were going to cook and have another family over that are good friends but we didn't feel like we could host, so we ended up with the Whipple's for Thanksgiving.  Please Marcia Whipple for taking us in like that and letting us come over.  It was such a blessing since Nate's family didn't invite us over and my mom was down in the valley.  We didn't have anywhere to really go and we definitely didn't want to cook for ourselves.  It was a great morning and the kids had fun playing around with all her grandkids.
I felt so much gratitude this Thanksgiving for the little things, like my healthy big boys and my wonderful husband, and friends and family who were there during one of the hardest times in my life.  To commemorate the day, I got a picture of the boys all dressed so nicely.
 I also got to go do some black Friday shopping that night and ran into some friends to shop with too.  It felt good to start getting ready for Christmas and to focus on getting things that day and I always love shopping for my boys.

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