July 16, 2013

RS Pond Activity

One of my callings is to be on the committee to help plan the monthly Relief Society activities.  We had one this week and we had lunch at Moylen's Pond.  It is owned by a family in our ward and it's such a fun place for kids to go and play.  We all played around and goofed off until everyone showed up and then we had lunch together.  It was also a bring your daughters/toddlers activity too and so I invited my mom and sister Susan to come join us.  I knew it would be fun but I also needed help with the kids since we were going to be around water.  I was in charge of making sure that there were activities for the kids who couldn't swim, but it's pretty much already set up for that.  There was an awesome tire swing set there that the kids took turns on.  I thought the boys would be too scared, but they didn't want to get off.  

 After lunch and playing on the tire swings, we decided to go up and see the pond.  They have kayacks and canoes for people to paddle around and my mom took my sister Susan and Kayton around for a few minutes.  I think it was Kayton's first time and he thought it was a lot of fun.  We played in the water for like a half hour and then it started raining, so we left and went home.  
He loved walking out to that rock and splashing his feet

Merrick played on the dock with an oar while everyone else was on the boat
   We had a lot of fun and I hope we can go back sometime with Nate too.

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