September 30, 2013

Learning Primary Songs

We are trying to get better at teaching the Primary songs and doing good at our Family Home Evening.  Their favorite one is Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam.  They love to do the jumping that goes along with it.
(Please ignore how bad my singing is)


Ya, the other day Kayton just said, "Mom, watch this" and he started doing somersaults.  He is good and tries to teach Merrick too.

Kayton reading

This kid is way too smart.  He picks up so easy on what the pages say when I read to him.  Some of our library books are really easy too and he has started reading to himself lately.  
This is one of his favorite books so far called "Fred and Ted Go Camping".

Randomness from iphone

Building a lego tower with dad
Left my phone with the babysitter and i found this the next day
playing my flute during church choir practice
Merrick was standing on his dresser and stepped back too far then fell like this into the window
Tanessa and Collette came to see us
My kitchen helpers
They love to brush their teeth
Helping Daddy make biscuits
Playing with their swords
Coloring outside with the kids
"Look at my funny face"
playing t-ball on a field
Kayton made some friends at the park and play red light green light with them
Pretty view after a rain storm
I found this little trampoline at a yard sale and they love it

Nate had to get the stage ready for a concert and he took the boys in to see the drum set.  They thought it was the best thing ever.  It's so fun to play with the drums.
I got to see my old friend Trista at a wedding reception.  We were good friend in high school and roommates in college and now she lives in Oklahoma and we miss her.
Kayton reading one of his library books to himself
We got a visit from a caterpillar and the kids had fun watching it crawl around on the window
Playing on the tractor at a friends work

Getting snuggles from a sick little Merrick
Love our playdoh

Drinking on a pile of blankets
Merrick went and found the Ped Egg the other day and came out and started to fix my feet and my legs with it
Sometimes Merrick will take a nap and Kayton won't so this time when i went to tell Kayton he could come out of his room, I found that he put his own little white blanket on Merrick because he knew he was cold.  So sweet.
Nothing is better than ice cream at Dairy Queen.  Our favorite thing to do.

September 20, 2013

Go Cougars!

Words cannot express how giddy and excited I was to be able to take our boys to a football game tonight.  Not just a football game, but a Show Low Cougars football game.  I love getting to go back and remember my good old high school days and let my kids be a part of it too.  It was just a normal season game against Monument Valley High School and we totally won 59-6 I think.  The kids and I only lasted to half time.  Of course, what would a football game be if we didn't sit by the band and if Nate didn't go pull out a sousaphone and play with them.  Mr. Pratt let the boys take a minute also to play the bass drum.  I loved all of it and Merrick liked it a little more than Kayton did.  We loved the whole experience and can't wait for the other games we are going to.

September 14, 2013

Patriotic Concert

  The 2013-2014 Symphony Concert season has kicked off.  Tonight was the first concert of the season.  They did a Patriotic Concert that was free admission and then asked the public to make donations for the families of the 19 firefighters that were killed on duty this summer.  The concert was amazing and to make it more special, they invited the Fire Department Pipes and Drums group that came to play.  There were about 8 of them playing bagpipes and drums which sounded so cool.  It all turned out great and they raised a good amount of money.  Kayton and Merrick got to come this time and Merrick did really good and sat for most of it but the iphone was my helper for Kayton.  
Nate doubled on Tuba and French Horn
The Pipe and Drum Group
Hanging out in the audience

September 12, 2013

Apples, apples, apples

The other day my mom called me and asked if I was feeling domestic.  Surprisingly, I was.  So she brought over a box of apples that somebody gave her and I went crazy.  I made a batch of apples crisp, and then went crazy making applesauce.  It was my first time making it myself and I thought it went pretty good.  What a day.