September 1, 2013

Milissa's wedding

What a great weekend for us and our family.  One of my other little sisters got married.  Milissa (step sister) got married to Bryce Bishop.  I was so lucky that I got to go down.  She got married on Friday the 30th, but she took out her endowments the day before so I went down Thursday afternoon.  Nate had to work on Friday so I just went down with just the boys and then Nate would come for the reception the next night.  
So Thursday night, we got to the valley and I ended up staying at my friends house who only lives like 10 minutes away from the temple.  She was amazing and watched my kids for me while I was at the temple.  The endowment session was amazing and we had so much family there together.  It was a late night session, so after it was over, we all had to just go home and I put my kids to bed.  After kids were in bed, we stayed up and talked for a while.  This led to a long day on Friday.
Doing preschool lessons with friends

Watching a movie together
So tired in the car
On Friday, there was a brunch in the morning that I took the boys to.  It was nice and small, and I enjoyed it.  The plan afterwards was suppose to go back to my friends house and put the boys down for a nap.  The hard part about that though, was that there were friends to play with and so they never took a nap.  This lead to a long night and many many breakdowns from Merrick and lots of Kayton having a rough time when I wouldn't let him do something he wanted.
So, I left the kids about 3 o'clock to go to the sealing.  It was such a great ceremony and I loved being a part of it.  All the siblings were able to be there with grandparents and we loved every minute of it.  She just looked so happy and in love and I love seeing that in young couples.   After the ceremony, I got to see my nephew Hyrum which was just amazing.  Totally didn't help my baby hunger at all.  Anyways, the bride and groom came out and who would have guessed, it started to rain.  It was cloudy and everything all afternoon, but just for the little bit of time we were out and taking pictures, it was raining.  I think Milissa kind of loved that it was raining though.

So, I headed back to my friends house to get the boys, get them dressed, and head to the reception.  It was so pretty and all food and things were so good.   Nate got to the reception about halfway through so that helped my night a lot.  My favorite part was getting to see a lot of my extended family that I haven't lived by in such a long time.  Fun fact too.  Bryce Bishop and his family were in my ward when we lived in Mesa before my mom got remarried.  So since they are still in that ward, I saw a few different families from then too.  It was so much fun saying look at me all grown up with a husband and 2 kids.    It was so fun to see her again and catch up.

My sweet new nephew Hyrum

Fun fact: Bryce's sister, Katie, is married with four kids and lives in Texas, but she use to babysit us while we still lived in that ward.  I think thought it was so fun to run into her again. 
What Kayton looked like for most of the reception
It was such a beautiful day and I am glad we were there to be a part of it. 

Last fun fact:  This is now the 2nd brother-in-law that I have who I met in that ward and so I knew them and their families before they married my step sisters.  It's so crazy how things work out like that.  

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