November 29, 2013

Mesa Temple Lights and Friends

The last part of our Thanksgiving trip ended with the Mesa Temple lights.  These lights are such a special thing for me cause we did it every year growing up since we lived down there.  The kids were old enough to enjoy it and while we were walking around they would say "wow" and "so cool" and point out the colors of the lights.  I love sharing some of my favorite past times with my kids. 

Saturday after Thanksgiving we used the day to go visit our friends.  We started going out to Chandler and seeing the Zanzucchi's, one of Nate's old mission buddies and his family.  It's always fun being with them and the kids have fun playing together.  We talked at their house for a while and then we headed out to Red Robin to have lunch together.  It seems to be the spot we go to when we eat out together.  The restaurant was fun and the kids had fun in the lobby waiting because they had a tv in the ground playing a football game so they all sat around and stared at it until we were ready to go. 
After lunch we went to the mall and met up with our friends the Hummel's who are some of our old friends from Flagstaff. 
Checking out the fish and alligator at the Rain Forest Cafe in the mall
We didn't get to hang out with them for too long because we had to get my brother who was flying home from visiting his girlfriend and drive home to Show Low.  It was such a long week but oh man did we have so much fun.  We love the valley and all the people we got to see that weekend. 

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