July 4, 2014

4th of July 2014

Once again, we had a super fun 4th of July here in Show Low.  I love being here for it.  Of course the day started off with going to the parade. I feel like the parades aren't really as entertaining as they use to be, but I like the tradition of it. 
Look at the candy we got!
A new tradition this year though, was after the parade, we headed to Horne Auto which is where we bought our car and our friend works there too.  They serve a lunch for their employees and family and customers, so that's where we went. They had some amazing BBQ pulled pork and steak with beans, potato salad and chips on the side.  I was so glad we went and had fun.
They got balloons!
Afterwards, we needed the boys to go home for naps so we could stay up late watching the fireworks.  So we headed home and put the boys down. While they were down, Nate was super nice and let me go shopping at a cute store where they had a pretty big sale that day.  It was nice to go get myself something and I ran into a lot of friends there too.  

After nap time, Nate went to Snowflake for a band rehearsal with Mr. Pratt. I needed to get out of the house with the kids so we went to the Pratt's house while they were gone and played with the kids and grandkids.  Kayton had a lot of fun with the kids Noah and Tessa.  We played for a while and ate dinner with them before the fireworks.  We left in time for the fireworks.

We left and went to the fireworks.  We walked from our house to the school down the road and they started a little early so we saw some of them as we were walking in.  We sat with our friends and everyone had a great time watching the fireworks.  The kids loved them and thought they looked awesome.  
After the show was done, we walked back home and our friends came back with us until the traffic died down so they could get their car out easier.  It was a fun day and we loved it.  We love this great land and definitely wanted to show our patriotic colors today.  

On Saturday morning, Nate went with Marshall Pratt to play in a band for a patriotic celebration in Taylor.  I had never been to it so I wanted to see what it was all about.  It was like a fireside and so the boys didn't sit very well through it.  

During one of the songs, the had all the young kids come get flags and they did a flag march during one of the songs.  The kids were so cute.  
That was the amazing 4th of July weekend for us.  We love being home and celebrating here in Show Low.  

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