July 2, 2014

Finishing T-ball

Kayton had his last official games this week.  We had fun watching him play one last time.  He has done pretty well this season with only a few times that he melted down or didn't want to play fair with the other kids. 
At bat
There are 5 out of 8 kids sitting on the outfield.  Kayton is #8.
Running to home base
High Fives
He loves getting his treat after the game
On Wednesday, there was suppose to be a game but we had a rain storm so they canceled the game.  We did however go into a little gym so the kids could get their trophy's.  Kayton was so excited for his little trophy.
We took him to Dairy Queen after his trophy ceremony and one of his teammates was there too. The family is also in our ward so the kids all sat together at one table while the adults sat at their own table. 

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