December 30, 2013

Merrick's eye surgery and the valley

Sometimes being a teacher really pays off.  I loved Nate having these two weeks off and I'm sure he may have been a little less excited when I planned so many things for us to do.  Next on our to do list was to go to the valley.  We had to go down for Merrick to have his 2nd eye surgery on his clogged tear duct.  Thankfully we got it all worked out so he could get it done before the end of the year.  
So we headed down there after church on Sunday and got to my grandparents house just in time for dinner.  The perk to being there that night too was that I got to see my Utah aunt, uncle, and cousin.  Also Tyler was down from Utah and so was Dallin's girlfriend April.  I was so glad we got to see them.   It all worked out so good. The boys had a great time getting to bond with their uncles too.   

With all those people at my grandparents house, we didn't have a place to stay, so we went over to our friends Mike and Mary's house to stay the night.  As always, we had fun staying up and talking but we eventually had to go to bed.   The next morning I had to wake up early to get Merrick ready for his surgery.  The surgery wasn't until 11:30, but he couldn't eat after 5:30 am or drink after 9:30 am so I got him up at 5 so he would have a bowl of cereal and not be starving all morning.  So we got ready and Nate and I were both able to go to the surgery thanks to the Hummels for keeping Kayton with them.  He was so clingy and didn't want to do anything he was suppose to, but the surgery was a success and everything went just as the doctor wanted it to.  He was tired and really wanted mommy afterwards but we were grateful it got taken care of and we don't worry about his eye anymore.  
Checking out the Dori and Nemo fish before going back
All ready to go.  Just watching the little tv til the doctor got there

We stayed one more night and headed back home the next morning for New Years Eve.  Even though it was lots of traveling in such a few days, and the kids got sick near the end of it, we loved seeing everyone and being able to get Merrick taken care of.  

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